Standing up for taxpayers:

Proven Constitutional Conservative
Proven Free-Market Businessman
Proven Guardian of our Tax Dollars

Wyoming’s conservative Republican State Treasurer, Curt Meier, has been our state’s champion for citizen taxpayers and against out-of-control government growth and regulation of our lives…

Dear Neighbor,

It has been an honor to serve the citizens of this great state as your State Treasurer. The office started with $20.12 Billion, January 1, 2019, and just 3 years later, on January 1, 2022, we went over $25.05 Billion, after providing $100’s of millions each year to the general fund, education, workers’ comp and many of your essential and special interest needs. 

Our dedicated employees are the heart and soul of the Treasurer’s Office and I am proud of the work we have done together. 

As you will see in this Treasurer’s Report to Taxpayers, your State Treasurer’s Office has achieved great success in safeguarding your money and growing your assets while modernizing accounting and administrative functions to save you money. 

While respecting fiscal accountability, transparency, and conservative free-market values, I know that you are the boss and we work for you.  My goal is to provide continued effective leadership, excellent service and risk adjusted total returns on investments to keep government taxation and spending at its lowest possible level so that the private sector can thrive without needless government interference or burdensome taxes.

Please check out the report inside to better understand the facts about Wyoming’s investments, budgets, and spending and how we can join together to keep Wyoming the best place in the world to live, work, play, raise a family, and start a business.

